Santiago from Cerro San Cristobal
Photos from our time in Santiago can either be viewed below or at http://photos.andywicks.com/Santiago?noredirect=1
Tales from our adventures
Santiago from Cerro San Cristobal
Photos from our time in Santiago can either be viewed below or at http://photos.andywicks.com/Santiago?noredirect=1
The bus journey from Mendoza in Argentina across the Andes to Santiago in Chile, via the Paso Los Libertadores is one of the most stunning journeys I have ever had the pleasure of doing. The only downside to this journey was the four hour wait at the border. Waiting at…
Enjoying the Andes by horseback
Photos from our time in Mendoza can either be viewed below or at http://photos.andywicks.com/Mendoza?noredirect=1
Before we set off for South America, our research online and from other travellers had left us with the impression that travelling by bus around South America might not be the best experience.
However, having spent a considerable amount of time on buses during the past ten weeks, I would be tempted to disagree. Admittedly not all buses have been great, but some have been amazing beyond our wildest imaginations!
Cama Suite on Crucero Del Norte in Argentina
The Caminito in the bario of Boca
Photos from our time in Buenos Aires can either be viewed below or at http://photos.andywicks.com/BuenosAires?noredirect=1
Before we set off on our trip I had had thought that I would be able to upload photos to my Picasa site quickly and easily. However, within only a few weeks of our trip starting I discovered that this was not likely to be possible. At home I make…
Looking across from the Brazilian side
Photos from our visit to IguazĂș Falls can either be viewed below or at http://photos.andywicks.com/IguazuFalls?noredirect=1