This weekend just gone I enjoyed the stag weekend for Ed, who is getting married in April. We stayed on a canal boat near Northampton for the weekend, provided entertainment to the locals in Northampton on Friday night and then Weedon Bec on Saturday night, went racing during the day on Saturday at Northampton International Raceway and cruised along the canal on Sunday in the glorious sunshine.

Ricky enjoying the sunshine
We most certainly didn’t:
- have to call an engineer to the boat only a couple of hundred of meters after leaving the marina,
- break a car in the first event of racing on Saturday by driving it through a (rather large) puddle,
- destroy two stock cars during our fourth event of racing on Saturday (in quite a spectacular crash that resulted in one only having three wheels attached!),
- do our best to roll a Reliant Robin,
- end up cruising along the (rather dark) canal after dark,
- hit the bank numerous times with the canal boat,
- hit another boat with the canal boat,
- get the canal boat beached,
- ram the canal boat into a concrete wall whilst attempting to turn a corner.
A massive thanks goes to Dave for organising such a fantastic weekend.
For a look at what we did get up to, have a look at the photos in the attached album, which are also available at
[pe2-gallery album=”” ]