As we returned from our Norway trip last year talk turned to the destination of our paddling adventure in 2010. It didn’t take long before a decision was made, Nepal. Martyn, due to other commitments, would not be able to join us this year so it would just be Jethro and myself.
Many, many discussions were had between the two of us about time of year, which rivers to paddle etc., and these were resolved relatively quickly. The one question which took us the longest to decide upon an answer to was which airline is most likely to allow us to take our own kayaks with us, without it costing us a small fortune. Discussions were had with a selection of airlines before we finally settled on Kingsfisher Airlines. According to Kingfisher on Twitter:
There will be no excess baggage waiver for the items Kayak and Paddle will be included in yr FBA.
On Monday 2nd August we finally got our flights booked and the countdown can now officially begin – 75 days and counting 🙂