0700 in the morning my alarm clock goes off. This is considerably earlier than it goes off for most week days yet this was a Sunday. The reason for this crazily early start? Aaron, of SquareRock has very kindly lent me his personal boat for a few hours and I was determined to make the most of it. I tried his boat at Holme Pierrepont a fortnight earlier and got on with it really well. However, I really wanted to test it out at what is arguably one of the best playspots in the country – Hurley Weir on the Thames.
Getting in the car at 0730 I discovered that the sandwiches I had organised for breakfast and left in the car overnight had started to freeze….. this was going to be a cold session! Pulling into the car park at Hurley about 40 minutes later I was surprised to discover it completely empty – something I don’t think I have ever seen before!
Despite the freezing temperature (it was -1 degrees when I got on the water), the sun was shining over a great three-gate level. I have said it before, but what a way to start a day!
Here is a little video I have put together of the session: http://vimeo.com/10029363
More photos from the session are available at http://photos.andywicks.com/Hurley7thMarch2010