Waking up to see the sun shining on Saturday morning I decided that it was time to shake the dust from my shortie cag. However, when I stepped outside I started to question my decision as the weather was playing that trick where it looks really warm but is, in fact, a bit nippy! It didn’t dampen the spirits though, and with my drysuit still hung up and the shortie packed, it was off to Hurley I headed to meet Martyn for a fun afternoon in the sun.
The weir was on a really nice two gate level, and was almost empty for most of our session. Nice level….sunny….empty – we were on to a winner!
An empty Hurley in the afternoon sun
Someone’s nicked his boat!

Sunset as we walked back to the car park
Seeing as we had such a great session on Saturday afternoon, Martyn and I paid another visit to Hurley on Sunday morning. Again I awoke to glorious sunshine, but the thermometer in the car only showed 11 degrees on the drive across, and this time I started to question myself – especially as the shortie cag was still wet from the previous afternoon. When we arrived at the car park, it was starting to warm up and it wasn’t long before I was starting the second session of the year wearing my shortie. I wasn’t the only one in a shortie though – I was pleased to see that Pete had joined me (might have been down to a bit of persuasion though!), although Kate (who was trying to decide on long or short sleeve) wimped out and plumped for the long sleeve.

Sunday morning sunshine


Pete trying to keep his arms out of the cold water

A novel way of travelling to Hurley
More of my photos from the weekend can be found at http://photos.andywicks.com/wicks.andy/2GateHurleyMarch2009#
Pete’s pictures from Sunday are available here
Kate’s pictures from Sunday are available here