Saturday afternoon saw Martyn, Ricky, Tim and I meet in the car park at Hurley. What I didn’t know at the time was that this was going to be one of the best Hurley sessions I had ever been treated to. The level was a fantastic four gates with the pile perfectly retentive – not too little and not too much, but perfect.
For me, the best part of the session was Ricky and I both surfing the same gate. We have been trying for a long time to nail cross-overs (where we switch sides in the same gate) and we able to make as many cross-overs as we liked with minimal effort.
The reason for this post title occurred fairly early on during our session on Sunday afternoon. Shortly after Tim getting back in his boat following a swim, we were (almost) all sat in the eddy when we suddenly noticed that Martyn’s boat was floating downstream upside-down, with him floating next to it… he had reverted to his old ways and taken a swim!!
I was still buzzing as we walked back to the cars in the dark and I would go as far to say that the level we had just experienced was the best level I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing at Hurley.

Ricky, Martyn and Tim

The beautiful sunset

Tim showing off his flat-water skills

Ricky and myself surfing in the same gate

Making full use of the feature
Following our great session on Saturday, Tim, Martyn and I returned for more on Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately the weir had dropped to (a very nice) three gates and the queue was massive. Despite this, it was still another fantastic session and a perfect way to follow on from yesterday and end the weekend.

A busy Sunday afternoon

Simon doing his best impression of a camera vulture

Me making a blunt

Late afternoon sun shining through the weir gates
More photos are available here:
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