I made the most of the weekend just gone. The original intention was to go paddling on Saturday afternoon before enjoying a barbeque and a few drinks with Martyn to help him celebrate his birthday, folowed by a mountain biking on the Sunday. These plans changed when, on Friday, he realised that the rolling course he had booked himself onto the following day didn’t finish until the evening. A few phone calls were made and a new plan was hatched.
Saturday was to start with an early session at Hurley, to make the most of all the recent rain, before heading off to see my grandparents near Southampton for lunch. Hurley was on a low 4 gates and when I got onto my session I was to be the only paddler on the water for about 30 mins. I had only the geese for company.
Sunday turned out to be another busy day. It started off with a nice ride around Bracknell Forest with Martyn and Chris.
And ended with an awesome 3 gate session at Hurley in the sunshine, where I met Simon, Dave Surman, Doug and Liz. It turned out to be the opposite from my session the previous day with large queues on bpth sides of the wave.